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Drink Wine and Live Like a Greek God

Dionysos, the Greek god of wine, pleasure and festivity is said to have shared his knowledge of wine making with Ikarios, a mortal who then took the drink to townspeople for an early wine tasting.

When I think of wine, I think back to time spent in Europe drinking local home made wines in countries like Greece. Truly a drink of the Gods, wine has it's place deep in Greek culture. Many may think of France or Napa, but I always think of Greece.

Notice how wine can trigger such imagery? Some may envision sipping a glass of wine at their favorite restaurant, others may think back to vacations. Food seems to trigger such a deep emotional response in us, doesn't it?

When you market a product, how can you figure emotion into the equation? As we target a more global market, how do you overcome challenges faced by products which do not translate well? Wine is a good example of a product which knows no bounds, most cultures drink wine and have some connection to this ambrosia. Could this be a market ripe for the picking?

Greek Wine Resources

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