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Showing posts from February, 2007

Anthropology and Flipping?

We have always wanted to understand... Take for example a famous quote by one of our greatest Philosophers: "If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development." -Aristotle Throughout history we've practiced anthropology using what we know... Aristotle used Philosophy and today we have an understanding of scientific principals which are highly evolved forms of logic and reasoning. What the heck does this have to do with flipping? Well how can you flip anything in the world, without first understanding people. Understanding our desires and emotions? Don't sell a house when people are not buying, don't develop a product and try to find its niche. Use a customer base that's already in place, talk to people, ask them what they need. Develop a product, only after you know people will buy it. In his book The 4-Hour Workweek Tim Ferriss talks about using Google Adwords for testing product ideas. In a Scoble video interview he discusses ...

Unlock cultures from around the world

Unlocking mysteries of the worlds cultures allows us to compile the best of the best. Imagine all the natural medicines and healing techniques used throughout the world. Big Pharama has known this for ages, however anthropologists will continue to unlock knowledge and information about the world and we will all benefit. Many of the archaeological sites throughout the world have only uncovered a small fraction of what's buried. As we learn more about other cultures, our view of history changes. Is there something another culture has to offer which you can package and resell? Don't limit yourself to products, it could be information, or an experience! How many people would pay for the experience of a lifetime? Surfing the best wave, climbing the highest mountain, tasting the best food, the finest wines.