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Star Parker and Michael Moore Flipping on the View

I don't actually watch The View, but read about guests and such through blogs. It appears Star Parker was to debate politics. Coincidentally, Tony Keith and Michael Moore were also on. It seems Michael Moore is really good at promoting his controversial films. His latest flick, Sicko, looks at government run health care. Toby, on the other hand is promoting his (not so controversial) new album. (why do we say album when we mean CD? does anyone actually buy vinyl or tape anymore?)

Can good marketing skills help you spread your message?

Obviously, Michael Moore would not be able to make the films he does, and have people watch them if he was unable to promote and market those bodies of work. Does he do it to change the world or make a buck? Does it matter? If your goal is to get a product to the masses (be it information or tangible), then your methods might be similar.

In negotiating the sale (acceptance of his film), someone like Michael Moore, must have trust with his fans and the population in general. If you don't trust someone to tell you the truth, would you watch a documentary they made? So Michael's fans believe in his message, so they pay money to watch his films.

Toby on the other hand sells albums. What does it take to sell an album? Fans? In both situations, you must have a trusted base to which you may sell your product.

Now, if only that base were enough, how do you get people who don't trust you, or know you, to buy your product? It would seem that shows like The View have a specific target audience which is sort of captive to promotions. So if you are able to use a vehicle like The View, you have a doorway into a potentially new group of people. While Michael appeals to health care concerns, Toby Keith focuses on music, and basically selling himself.

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