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Miss New Jersey Photo Scandal

Recently Amy Polumbo aka Miss New Jersey announced she is being blackmailed for some old photos of her and her friends. It looks like someone is trying to flip and grow rich overnight, however maybe they didn't realize that blackmail is pretty much illegal in every state.

What could have turned out to be a bad situation may end up being used for some good old fasioned marketing. Amy Polumbo is facing this head on, a wise choice given the options. I've always been a firm believer of facing your demons, rather than trying to keep them in hiding, and in this case she's not really worried about the photos anyway. This has given her an opportunity to get her name in the papers, on the news, and at the tip of everyone's tounge. Not the best way to get publicity, but its still publicity.

The big question now becomes, how do you turn something so negative into something positive. Amy has demonstrated that by standing up to her blackmailers, she is doing just that. The public will admire her for standing up, and whatever the photos turn out to be will not be as big as the fact that she went public with it in the first place.

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