Before you go spending you next $100 on an ebook, DVD, or other learning aid, make sure you've done your homework. One place to start is the Internet. For a jump start, take a look at the following sites which offer no strings attached information.
WikiHow has a pretty good article on How to Get Rich by Buying and Flipping Real Estate, and keeps it to the point. No overnight success, just hard work and buy low sell high tactics. Common sense, but also the same stuff you will find in expensive courses being sold today.
Take advantage of government information, research, and articles. Begin with the US Departmenet of Housing and look over their site. Information, research, articles are all there, you just need to invest some time. In the long run you may find houses and financing through HUD for little or no cost to you.
For more government provided information, search which searches US government websites and publications. Use terms like "flip real estate" or "real estate investing" for some good results.
How to Get Rich by Buying and Flipping Real Estate
US Departmenet of Housing
WikiHow has a pretty good article on How to Get Rich by Buying and Flipping Real Estate, and keeps it to the point. No overnight success, just hard work and buy low sell high tactics. Common sense, but also the same stuff you will find in expensive courses being sold today.
Take advantage of government information, research, and articles. Begin with the US Departmenet of Housing and look over their site. Information, research, articles are all there, you just need to invest some time. In the long run you may find houses and financing through HUD for little or no cost to you.
For more government provided information, search which searches US government websites and publications. Use terms like "flip real estate" or "real estate investing" for some good results.
How to Get Rich by Buying and Flipping Real Estate
US Departmenet of Housing