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Showing posts from March, 2009

Foreclosures Spring Up

Investors are snapping up the growing number of foreclosed home on the market. With more options to choose from, those who flip and grow rich for a living are finding a gold mine of opportunities. With over 200,000 foreclosures projected for the month of March, the real estate market continues its downward spiral into an abyss for home owners and sellers. Banks are not in the real estate business, and this is a key advantage in this market. Even homeowners who can't pay their mortgage are buying their homes from the bank at a discount. How can you flip and grow rich from a foreclosure? Flipping foreclosures can be easy when buyers often see a 30-50% discount on the price of the home. However, sometimes a little fixing up is in order. For example, many foreclosed homes suffer from incomplete remodels, many have torn apart kitchens, gutted bathrooms, and in some cases are unlivable. For those not afraid to buy, fix, and flip. These homes, can be gems! Don't expect to make money o...

Using Trend Analysis to help you Flip and Grow Rich

Flipping Real Estate in this current economic slow down, can be a real challenge. So in order to make the most of what you've got, you must turn to some of the web's best information sources. RealtyTrac offers a really nice trend capability on their website, and will show you hot spots in the foreclosure rates by zip code. For example, a search of the San Fransisco area shows about 1,461 foreclosed homes for February 2009. Hotspots can show you areas in which there are a lot of foreclosures, which may help you decide where to target your efforts. Using the data available for free on the internet can be a great advantage to your flipping efforts. Just make sure to do your homework, and research, before spending money that could end up going down the tubes!

Flip and Grow Rich in this Economy?

Some may be asking themselves, can I really flip and grow rich in this economy? Well it's not an easy question to answer. While there is lots of money to be made in this current climate. There is certainly lots of money to be lost as well. In a recent Wall Street Journal article, mortgage rates are reportedly declining, a prime time to buy property. Money is cheap! However, it would also seem than banks are being more difficult to get money out of, so what's a flipper to do? Even Donald Trump is having difficulty in this market, with his Chicago condos, buyers are not following through on contracts. Remember to do your homework, look at every deal carefully, and ensure contracts are in order. Look for the best deal, for example RealtyTrac offers a nice forclosure search on their website.