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Showing posts from September, 2007

Best Places to Flip and Grow Rich - Part 1

Where are the Best Places to Flip and Grow Rich in America? In part 1 of our new series, we'll look at this question a few different ways and research ideal locations in the U.S. for flipping real estate. We'll examine some basic assumptions, flip scenarios, actual sales in top U.S. cities and perform some paper analysis of the flip potential. In the end, we should have a good list of cities with high potential for the next great flip. A flip can vary by several factors including the person doing the flip, investment potential of the property, and the local market. So before we begin, we need to establish these basic assumptions and criteria. Applying this analysis to your own market or location simply means adjusting the assumptions to match your own. Personal Ability: How Many Houses Can We Flip? First things first, we need to assume some flipping ability. Not superhuman ability, just the average flipper. Let's assume this is a part time job, and we will be flipping a min...

Open an Online Store In Minutes for Free

Have you heard about , a service that enables anyone to start a virtual store quickly and easily? Zilo is a free template based site which allows you to create a custom shop, with products that relate to your interests or niche. For example, are you a real estate agent? Then you can target home buyers or other agents with products related to real estate. Flipping real estate should not be your only income stream, Zilo, and similar services can offer additional streams and allow you to earn some extra money during those market low points. Sign up now for free, and give it a try!

The Truth about Flipping Real Estate

The LA Times has an interesting article on real estate flipping shows such as "Flip this House". Meg James writes about the euphoria of "flip and grow rich", or getting something for next to nothing. Meg runs through the various shows on television such as "Property Ladder", "Flip that House", "Flip this house", and others. Correlating popularity of the shows with rising house prices, Meg does an excellent job in looking at the big picture. These shows are there to make money. The outcome of the flip highlighted on TV is not as important as attracting viewers. Now, as the real estate market seems to be cooling off, so are the ratings. It might stand to reason that those who once made a decent living flipping property must now pursue other income strategies, such as selling courses and ebooks online. We have certainly talked about them in the past and there are countless websites and forums talking about courses, materials, and relate...

Email from Armando Montelongo on his Real Estate Course to Flip and Grow Rich

Armando Montelongo offers a 5 page preview of his "Flip and Grow Rich" course on his website. I was curious and filled out the form, entering my email address and clicking submit. In addition to the ebook link, I received a few emails promoting his course. They were sent at different times over the course of 2 days. The first email congratulated me on access the "Flip and Grow Rich" system. Armondo tells a story about promising his wife to share his success with the world. Now, he is fulfilling his promise. Hi (name), Congratulations on accessing my 'Flip and Grow Rich' system! I made a promise to my wife on our trip across America. I told her that if I became successful, that I would share it with the world. Now that I have made my fortune by flipping houses, I am unlocking the vault to my business and sharing my flipping strategies and techniques with you! You can download my ebook as promised by going to =====> (link removed) You may be asking what is ...

Flipping through Real Estate Financing Pain

How has the current US Real Estate financing market affected your flipping? It seems that pain in the money market is unevenly spread, and hitting some markets pretty hard. Thomas Lawler of Lawler Economic and Housing Consulting has outlined the following issues: Recent drastic tightening is worst in California, Nevada, Florida, Hawaii, Arizona, Rhode Island, and New York. Risky loans are increasingly harder to get and are becoming available only to strong buyers at higher rates. How does this impact flipping? Well the labor day kick off of our autumn home shopping season hasn't been as strong as other years. People buying before the holidays are feeling the crunch as money becomes tight. US Lenders have been cautious with the subprimes, sticking to conforming loans under $417,000 USD. Even then, buyers need good credit and enough savings for either conforming or subprime (which are now few and far between). Jumbos are terrible, as rates are jacked up. Flipping in these conditions...

Appalachian State Football and Real Estate?

So what does Appalachian State have to do with Real Estate? Well, I was researching real estate in NC and got sidetracked with the news that Appalachian State beat Michigan 34-32. Talk about short attention span. Needless to say, in my Google searching, I came across Michael Bradford's Real Estate Blog . Funny how when looking for one thing you often find something completely different. Michael has some really good advice for those looking to flip, and has some examples of his recent flipping.